• Dual fuel system is available for all XG generators now.

    Generators equipped with dual fuel system have 2 specifications: LNG + Gasolineas fuel source or LPG + Gasoline as fuel source. User can use any kind of fuel from the selected fuel source to generate power. For safety, please turn off the unused fuel switch first, then turn on the needed fuel switch before starting generator.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'think\exception\ErrorException' with message 'mkdir(): No space left on device' in D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\log\driver\File.php:52 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: think\Error::appError(2, 'mkdir(): No spa...', 'D:\\vhostroot\\Lo...', 52, Array) #1 D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\log\driver\File.php(52): mkdir('D:\\vhostroot\\Lo...', 493, true) #2 D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\Log.php(179): think\log\driver\File->save(Array, true) #3 D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\Error.php(93): think\Log::save() #4 [internal function]: think\Error::appShutdown() #5 {main} thrown in D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\log\driver\File.php on line 52