• Off-Grid Solar System

    Solar OFF-GRID Complete System

    Off-Grid solar system is a system and lifestyle that is designed to help people function without the support of remote infrastructures, such as an electrical grid. In electricity, off-grid can be a stand-alone power system or micro grids typically to provide a smaller community with electricity. In order to have an off-grid solar system that is actually efficient and competent, one has to make sure that they have all the important components. Thus, Our Company is offering total solutions on Off and On-Grid Solar Energy Application.

  • Dual Axis Compare To Single And Fixed Axis

    Dual Axis Compare To Single And Fixed Axis

    Our one of a kind automatic tracking system is driven by turbine motor which allows solar panels tilted to 90 degree vertically to receive more power than a dual axis tracking system with old schooled linear actuator.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'think\exception\ErrorException' with message 'mkdir(): No space left on device' in D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\log\driver\File.php:52 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: think\Error::appError(2, 'mkdir(): No spa...', 'D:\\vhostroot\\Lo...', 52, Array) #1 D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\log\driver\File.php(52): mkdir('D:\\vhostroot\\Lo...', 493, true) #2 D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\Log.php(179): think\log\driver\File->save(Array, true) #3 D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\Error.php(93): think\Log::save() #4 [internal function]: think\Error::appShutdown() #5 {main} thrown in D:\vhostroot\LocalUser\ykxg\www\thinkphp\library\think\log\driver\File.php on line 52